
Rotor Lips SA

Fabrique de machines
Glütschbachstrasse 91
Case postale 270
CH-3661 Uetendorf




Numéro d’identification des entreprises (IDE)
CHE-102.140.150  HR/MWST


Plus d'informations sur l'entreprise peuvent être trouvés dans le portrait


Conditions générales de vente et de livraison

Nos conditions générales de vente et de livraison se trouve ici ->PDF


For et droit applicable

Le for pour les parties est à Thoune (Thun), Suisse. Le droit matériel suisse est applicable. En cas de doute la version allemande du présent document est en vigueur.



The content of our site was written with highest carefulness, nevertheless we can’t guarantee the accuracy and completeness of its matter. The articles represent the author’s personal opinion. Rotor Lips Ltd. cannot guarantee the non-existence of virus or other harmful elements, introduced by any means or by any third party, which might produce problems in users’ computer systems.



This site contains different material (including but not limited to databases, images, drawings, charts, text) belonging to Rotor Lips Ltd. and consequently protected by international or national intellectual and industrial property rules. Downloads or photocopies from this website are only to be used for private purposes. The compilation (understanding as such the compilation, design, structure and montage) of all the content of the site is the exclusive property of Rotor Lips Ltd. and is protected by international or national intellectual and industrial property rules.



The own brands, signs, distinguishing marks or logos of Rotor-Lips Ltd., which appear on the site, are the property of Rotor Lips Ltd and are properly registered or are in the process of being registered. The names of other products, services and companies that appear on the website may be registered trademarks of their respective and legitimate owners.



In any case, the inclusion of links in the website of other websites does not mean that Rotor-Lips Ltd. promotes, supports, guarantees or recommends the contents of these websites. Responsibility is subject to the provider of the linked website.